“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold.”
– Bob Marley
It ain’t always easy being zapped by the creative wand, so these workshops aim to introduce you to a musical tribe of peers and professionals, as you are guided towards making the very most of your original piece. Remember – if you didn’t exist, neither would your creation, so be brave and share it!
Your age is irrelevant (as long as you’re 10 or above), and as long as you throw yourself with gusto into the weekend and soak up everything it offers. You and your musical output are totally unique. YAMI aims to harness that and add to your quality of life and future career path.
Rappers meet Riff-makers. DJs meet Divas. Beatmakers meet Bassoonists! There’s a lot of solo work as a musician, so grab this chance to meet creatives who can add to your skills to make a duo or trio. Email us at info@yami.nz to sign up.
Working alongside professional musicians, your original song will be developed into a performable piece. Bring your instrument, your chords, plus any arrangement ideas and be open to the possibility of having a few extra instruments or BVs added in
Get the most out of your voice with help from our trained professionals Kelly and Amy. Covering vocal injury, (prevention and treatment) and Voice and Career Sustainability, this masterclass combines understanding your voice with technical development, tools, health and wellness, exercise, warm up and cool downs, and laryngeal massage. Pre-booking essential: email us at info@yami.nz
Focussing on the blues and making killer riffs, take your gat playing to the next level with our pro tutors. Pre-booking essential: email us at info@yami.nz
This is your chance, whether child or adult to join in with experienced tutors and like-minded people who wish to up their harmonising skills. Be prepared to join the choir behind the mics onstage too, so bring along your voice and an open heart!
How brave are you feeling? Be one of four people/bands to have a pre-recorded demo played in front of the professional panel. They will give guidance, advice and steer you towards getting your song release-ready. Those in the audience can take away tips for their own pieces. Pre-booking essential: email us at info@yami.nz